5 Best Reasons that Excite to travel to Singapore

5 Best Reasons that Excite to travel to Singapore

Today we will visit a small country travel of Singapore situated in south east of Asia. It is rich with natural beauty it is very old and ancient country. It is small in size but has a big name all over the world.

Today we shall tell you about the history and interesting things about travel to Singapore that you would not know before it is a single country in the world in which the salaries of employees of the government are equal to the employees of multi- national companies. The punishment of writing any abuse on a public place is eternal sleep.

Travel to Singapore

In Singapore chewing the chewing gum spiting on the road and do not clean the washroom after using are known as crimes. Singapore is Small Island of 716 square kilometer. On 9 August 1965 it got freedom from Malaysia. Perhaps you do not know it is a single country in the world that got freedom without it’s a accord.

It does not want to separate from Malaysia. Malaysia got rid of it as it thought it burden for it country.  Lee, Kuan Yew was the 1st prime minster of Singapore. He decided to lift travel to Singapore to the height of glory. He selected honest people from the country and appointed them judges and gave them complete independence to make decision. They can dismiss peon to prime minister.

Singapore is like Vatican City which is its on capital as well as country. Lee, Kuan Yew selected and appointed well educated and skillful person to government job with heavy salaries from all over the Singapore. He made equal the salaries of civil servant to the private servant. According a current observation the income of per capita has become equal to 57 thousand American dollars in Singapore. Lee, Kuan Yew made the honest people the member of his cabinet.

And made a very hard and tough system of account ability, and made the law of Singapore the one of hardest law of world. And made the punishment of corruption only death Singapore became the 9th richest country of the world only after 30 years of it freedom. Besides Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong Singapore is also called Asian tiger. These are four those country which made progress with in the half of century.

If these countries stop to export the electronic appliances then the millions of the people will be forced to starve to death. Singapore is the single country of the world in which who sells chewing gum will be find for 3 thousand dollar and will be prisoned for two years. The person who use chewing gum first time is find 5 hundred dollar and second time find for 1 thousand dollar and the third time is find two thousand dollar.

Chewing gum was banned in Singapore because ones a person put the chewing gum in the lock of the door of the train and door could not open due to which the train was late for 5 minutes to reach its destination. After it 2yeas Singapore begins to said the cleanest country of the world.

The name of Singapore is based on the name of lion singa means the lion.travel to Singapore is the single country of the world in which its 92% of the population have their own apartment those are all contracted by government. The people who live in Singapore are called Singaporean. Its complete name is republic of Singapore.

Its national language is Malay English is another language that is used is Singapore. If we see then we come to now that English is mostly used in travel to Singapore. According to a survey it is observe that. The fastest walking people belong to travel to Singapore. Singapore is one of 20 smallest countries of the world. When we hear the name of Singapore very huge and high buildings come to our mind.

But as we think it is not the same. In Singapore the building above the 280 fit is not allowed to construct. Except the 11 months of the years the birth rate of children is more in October. The increasing fame of Singapore attracts the tourist all over the world. About every month 1.2 to 1.6 million people come to visit Singapore.

The money that is earned from tourism plays a vital role in the economy of Singapore. Like other country of the world driving is done from the left sight. You can say the Singapore the city of millionaires. Because out of 10 the 6 people have 1 million American dollar. About its 85% of population use mobile phone. Infect Singaporeans use two mobile one for the personal use and the other is used for business activities.

In Singapore there are elevens civil holidays. Every person has the right to worship according to his religion. the rate of crime is less than one %. The people who have cars face difficulty in Singapore because there is less place and they have to pay 1.5 % of tax more.

There is shortage clean drinking water. Singapore import water from Malaysia or Indonesia to fulfill this shortage there is also the lake of sand as well as water sand is also imported. The laws are very striated in Singapore once a man threw cigarette butts from the window of his house in the street, he was fined 15836 dollars by environmental agency and this man had to pay it four days. At every 200 matter distance there are telephone booths and automatic cold drinks machines are available.

It is a great facilities for the tourist it has the best airport in the world. The first night safari and night zoo is in the Singapore. Singapore is the single country of the world whose citizens do not need visa to go china,  south Korea and America.

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