If you want to improve your skin you have to follow steps for basic skin care rules. If you have any type of skin like dry, oily, and combined basic skin care is necessary for everyone. Here are 5 steps you have to follow every day to make your skin improved. We all use cleanser to clean our skin like soaps facewash etc.

What are the basics of face skin care?

now we step forward to the 1st step that is cleansing we use soap face wash or anything to cleansing our skin. The people who have oily skin should use gel cleanser and the people who have dry skin should use cream cleanser. The 2nd step in the use of toner  when we use any face wash or cleanser it decrease ph level of our skin toner helps us to balance the ph level of our skin.

it cleans our skin deeply and helps us to shrink the pores of our skin. It is necessary for all the skins to use toner after using soap and facewash because it maintains the originality of the skin.  We should use some natural type toner like Rose water etc. the 3rd step of skin care rules is skin exfoliate .


our skin has a natural cycle new cell produced they become forward and take the place of dead cells every day. It is very important to remove dead skin cell they block the skin pores which causes pimples and black heads. Therefore you should Expo liar your skin with milled scrub.

The best way to cleanser your skin is that you should take 5 table spoon basins and 5 table spoon rice powder mix them after mixing it put this mixture into a jar and close it tightly. Daily use this mixture by mixing rose water in it and use as a scrub after applying on your skin  after applying it on the skin leave it for five minutes for batter reserved and then wash it with water softly and mildly rubbing with your fingers.

4th step is skin moisturizing. It is very important to moisturize your skin you can use baby lotion to moisturize you skin it make glow our skin and make our skin healthy and give a natural look


5th step is the use of sunscreen it is very useful and important  to use sunscreen  if you do not use sunscreen you all the skin care would be wasted whenever you go out in the sun it is very essential to use sunscreen to block your skin from the sun effect sunscreen is nursery to use at home because we do cooking it also effect our skin sunscreen protect our skin from the effects of heat and light sunscreen is also use before the makeup base it also protect the skin from the unsafe impacts of beauty care products.


Our face is like a mirror of our personality we ca not deny from its basic care and importance every body is attracted by the personality of a person that is usually is the skin of the face if we want to look attractive we will have to follow these basic cares to become charming and beautiful it is well said by some one that beauty needs now ornaments.

These skin care make our skin healthy and young besides these skin care our proper balanced diet is very important to archive our goal. Green vegetables are very important for our body system which regulate our digestive system and make us healthy and powerful we should try to use natural remedies to protect our skin. Substance chemicals effect our skin badly we should avoid them and use authorized things to protect our skin.

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