10 Best Tips to Control Stress and Anxiety

10 Best Tips to Control Stress and Anxiety

When you feel stressed, it can be hard to concentrate on your work or personal life. This feeling can make your life stressful and your mental state uncertain. It’s called stress. People experience various types of stress from everyday life such as career, family problems, relationship problems, etc. But we are not all the people who are experiencing this type of stress. There are those people who feel that they are suffering from so-called “stress” or panic attacks and so on. In this post we will discuss about ten best tips to control stress and anxiety that every person should follow!

What is difference between stress and anxiety?


stress and anxiety

When you’re dealing with stress and anxiety, you often feel overwhelmed with all your thoughts. You feel like everything in your mind is a problem. The more things that you do and your life is chaotic the harder it gets for you to calm down. But when you are dealing with anxiety, you feel very much afraid of something. So the most important thing to know is that the two words have different meanings and different meanings. We will distinguish the meaning of these terms below!

Stress – the unpleasant emotional condition or an event or situation that causes worry and distress and makes it difficult or impossible to carry out your usual routine (either at home or at work)

Anxiety – the negative feeling experienced by a person who has excessive or excessive worry or nervousness or fear (or both).


stress and anxiety

The key difference between being stressed and anxious is that one does not feel good while the other one feels bad. However, there are few types of anxiety, which include social anxiety, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, and many others. If you feel that you are struggling with any type of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), consider seeking counseling or therapy.


stress and anxiety

 How to deal with excessive stress?

You are probably aware that getting over the pressure level can be really hard for us people. Often we don’t want to think about what we’re going to face or about how our lives will go in the future. However it turns out, we can sometimes get too easy and easy as to suffer from excess stress, and if we do, then we can easily cause harm to ourselves, to our pets, our children, even to our neighbors. Thus, it’s better to try to manage and control some stressful situations as soon as possible. Here are some easy ways to handle this situation:


stress and anxiety

Try to reduce the time spent in front of the screen. Your brain needs to relax, your body need to relax and the way to keep you feeling calm and relaxed is to minimize the number of notifications you receive on a daily basis. Try not to check your emails right after waking up, and avoid checking social media until the end of the day. Make sure that your phone is charged at least the first ten minutes, and never look for any information on it before going to sleep.’

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Try to limit the amount of people who’re bothering you and make sure not to participate in unnecessary conversations. It’s not always possible to do it and avoid the need to meet new people whom you can discuss about your fears and worries. Be careful about this, as if you feel scared or unsafe, then this is the same time that you should take precaution and ensure safety. So, make sure that you don’t talk to anyone but only close people who make you feel safe and protected. Remember that you shouldn’t try to impose yourself on anybody!


stress and anxiety

Work out activities in which there are no risks and avoid the desire to try anything risky. A lot of people tend to have their lives focused on being perfect. They are worried about doing something that they are a bit off. The wrong choice could turn into disaster. And as I’ve already mentioned in the point above, it’s not worth taking risks for doing the wrong thing! Keep a list of your friends to contact and talk to if you’re feeling stressed, and also remind them about some good ideas! If someone approaches you about doing something, do your best to persuade them to change their opinion.


stress and anxiety

Don’t forget to exercise and meditate and meditate whenever you feel frustrated. It gives you time to rest your mind and put your fears aside. As one of my favorite quotes says “You can break the law only by breaking your heart”. Also, don’t forget about meditation, pray twice before sleeping if you have trouble falling asleep, and don’t go at night with a cup of coffee, and avoid consuming caffeine after 1 AM. Always plan your days and get enough rest, because this is the worst time for our health.


stress and anxiety

Avoid overthinking. Being over-thought means that you are putting a huge weight on your shoulders. When you think about things that you do or what you did during the day, then you’re stressing out. But you have to stop overthink and focus on only one thing. Overthinking can quickly become something huge that is preventing you from thinking clearly and staying calm and focused. Do you have any idea what sort of an individual you are?You can choose to spend more time worrying, or to simply relax and let go. Relaxation techniques are very effective and can help to relieve tension.


stress and anxiety

Take care of your sleep. Sleep is the main source of energy for your body and thus your body can use it properly and release a large volume of oxygen. So when you sleep well, so it doesn’t mean you are weak, and the next day you don’t have the chance to stress out too much. In general, this is the main tip to prevent stress. It is great to have adequate sleep, but the person that does not have enough sleep is in danger of having an stress and anxiety body and a panicked mind. So, you need to spend some time each night and try to find some relaxation exercises to prepare for the next day.


stress and anxiety

Stay positive and keep reminding yourself that everything will be okay, everyone will understand your feelings and the way you’re feeling right now. Also, try to stay active and do something exciting or creative to lift yourself spirits. It can be anything from hiking, or dancing. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your hobby or personal interests, it can help just to create a relaxing atmosphere!


stress and anxiety

Take breaks. Sometimes you just need to switch off the news and watch movies or tv shows. Just start walking or watching a movie, and try to enjoy the outside world around you, without thinking about the future. Not much does we want to know, we just want to live our own life in peace. Especially for those people who have chronic fatigue, their mental state seems to be a real burden, and so they don’t want to give space to overthink about their thoughts. Taking breaks helps to clear all the thought bubbles out of your mind and it can be very helpful in managing stress and anxiety psychological disorders.


stress and anxiety

Don’t compare your life. Everything comes in its place. If you’re feeling depressed, your job may not be doing well, your kids don’t have the grades you need, and you have to start making plans to move forward in a certain direction. All this happens during a day. However, the thing you can do is to notice what you can change.

Maybe living in another city is more stress and anxiety than staying where you really live. Or maybe trying to improve your financial situation and moving house could be less stressful than having an income. You can think of all these scenarios, stress and anxiety all the changes you can make, you’ll see that you will feel a little freer, and then try to consider how much you can change your behavior. Then you start considering the actions that will allow you to feel happier or calmer.


stress and anxiety

Enjoy your life. You know what our generation should be doing. We should be spending more time at school, more money in the bank! We should be working more hours or saving an extra cent just to enjoy all the pleasures of life. But we are not ready yet. Now we can experience much more freedom and enjoy living in stress and anxiety. It’s our hope that you’ll come to realize and know what we go through every day to achieve something great! It’s a fact!

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